Leuchtding: Kleine Gedächtnisstütze …

10 Mai

... damit’s endlich mal zur Hand ist beim Konfigurieren:

recognized MQTT messages:

level -> 0 .. 255 brightness
pattern -> 0 .. 12 color pattern ID
effect -> 0 .. 5 effect ID
speed -> -128 .. 127 gets added per display loop to offsetIndex
stretch -> -128 .. 127 gets added per LED step to gradient retrieval
color -> #000000 .. #FFFFFF base color to mix with gradient
mixer -> 0 .. 255 percentage of base color / gradient color value
fade -> 0 .. 255 percentage of global darkening per display loop
glitter -> 0 .. 255 comparison against random8 to trigger a random led to light up
visibleLeds -> number of visible leds in lamp
offsetLeds -> number of pre-amp leds (typical 0 or 1)
startWindow -> index of first led to show (to easily create a display bar)
stopWindow -> index of last led to show ( to easily create a display bar)
overlay -> string of LEDINDEX#HEXCOLOR (... ,LEDINDEX#HEXCOLOR,LEDINDEX#HEXCOLOR) fixed position colors

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